Burns – MimiClon – MimiClon Skip to content

Clinical Applications


MimiClon’s wound care products are medical devices that maintain and support a healing environment by facilitating remodeling of site-appropriate, functional tissue. Comprised of naturally-occurring urinary bladder matrix (UBM), they maintain an intact epithelial basement membrane. MimiClon membrane® Burn Matrix devices are indicated for second degree burns.

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Second Degree Burns

Second degree burns affect the epidermis and dermis layers of the skin. Current approaches for the management of burns, such as skin grafting, can often result in scarring and contracture which can impair tissue functionality. MimiClon membrane Burn Matrix devices are designed for deep secondary degree burn management and have been shown to facilitate the body’s ability to remodel site appropriate, biomechanically functional tissue where scarring would be expected. The devices can facilitate ingrowth of vascularized tissue to support skin graft take18-19. The product can also be used to manage wounds to full closure without the need for autologous skin grafting18.

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2001 Boulevard Robert Bourassa,
Montreal, QC, H3A 2A6, CAN
Tel (450) 235-1388
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